It’s not everyday you get something for nothing. For all those classic books you always wished you’d read, Abacci books is a fantastic resource for free e-books. Everything from Louisa May Alcott to Martin Luther King and thousands of others are available for download. I’ve just added it to my favourites.

It is a really good site ,Buying books online have its own advantages and disadvantages over the on-road book shops. But for people who love reading books are happy to buy books either online or offline.
Just to point out that these books are classics and out of copyright. You could consider this more of a library reference service than a freebie site. I’m dead set against breaches of copyright and I would never promote a site that did that. If an author chooses to give their own book away, that’s fine. Fiona.
The only problem with downloadable books is that it can be difficult to read for extended periods on the computer. I’m waiting for the ebook advances to read the stage where they are a viable option. I want one that I can use to read and edit. It would make manuscript editing a portable process and allow me to take e-books away from the desktop.
I’m not a huge fan of e-books myself, except for research purposes. In my teaching I tend to refer to lots of classic books that I don’t always have copies of (or I can’t find them in my less than tidy study!). A resource like this is useful. But I certainly wouldn’t read an entire book online for pleasure. But as you say, things are advancing all the time. What do you mean you would like to edit e-books? After publication?