The Crafty Writer goes Full Feed

The Crafty Writer full feed RSSYou may or may not be aware of the ongoing debate about the merits of full versus partial RSS feeds. After favouring partial up to this point, The Crafty Writer has decided to change tack and switch to a full feed.

In case you don’t know, this enables you to read the content of a website through a feed reader application (similar to an email program) without having to visit the site directly, and is typically used by people who have a large number of sites they like to keep tabs on.

Our main reason for favouring partial initially was that we wanted to try and draw people into the site, as we feel it offers a richer experience. And don’t get us wrong – we still want that. But apparently there is not much difference in the rate in which people click through to a site from a partial feed versus that of a full feed. So in this case it appears we can all have our cake and eat it too!

What this means for you, the reader, is simply that you have more choice when it comes to how you read The Crafty Writer; come to the site if you like, or use the feed. Either way, you’re very welcome. Oh yes, and tell all your friends too!

If you have no idea what we’re going on about (Fiona doesn’t!), you may want to check out this explanation of RSS.

Rod the techie guy

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