There’s a great new website out there that aims to give women writers an opportunity to be published and women readers a chance to be entertained. Laughter for Women is accepting submissions from women writers with a funny story to tell. At this stage there is no payment, but it’s good for the portfolio. Deadline for the January edition is Monday 14 December 2009.
Happy writing!
My short film Enemy Lines is about to cross the Atlantic. Director Mike Steel and I are honoured to have been chosen to showcase our film at the Short Short Story Film Festival in New York, this Saturday 21 November 2009, then the following Saturday on the 28th.

Festival organisers, Merging Art Productions, ask:
How do filmmakers tell a story in less than five minutes? Not just trailers, music videos, or experimental projects, but honest-to-goodness beginning-middle-end stories?
The Short Short Story Film Festival celebrates brevity in filmmaking, featuring films from across the globe. For more information visit the festival website
If, like most British writers, you’ve been chipping away for years trying to ‘break’ into TV drama, or you’ve been one of the lucky ones but have recently fallen out of favour, then you may find Why Britain can’t do The Wire over at Prospect Magazine an eye-opening read. Peter Jukes makes some interesting and at times controversial comparsion between the ‘quality’ of British and American TV writing. He looks at the issues of monopolies vs commercialism and the brain drain of British talent across the pond. He also points a finger at the BBC for the over-centralising of commissioning into the hands of four people.
WARNING: If you’re American (or anyone else!) and have bought into the self-promoted myth that British TV is the best in the world, you may be shocked by what you read!