Archive for the 'picture books' Category

Writing children’s picture books

I’ve been giving tips on writing children’s picture books over at the very popular Morgen Bailey’s blog. I talk about my process in writing the Myro the Microlight series for Nick Rose Publishing and the Young David Series, including David and the Hairy Beast and David and the Kingmaker for Crafty Publishing. You can read my top tips including limiting narrative arcs, putting sub-plots in the illustrations and foregrounding story and backgrounding message. Also check below for other posts on writing for children.

How to choose a children’s book for Christmas

children's bible stories of king davidWell it’s that time of year again and we are all desperately trying to buy just the right present for our loved-ones. Books are always a popular gift and while we still have them in physical form, we should enjoy them. As writers (which the majority of readers of the Crafty Writer are) we all need to pull together to keep the industry afloat. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti e-book (in fact I’ve recently released my own novel,The Peace Garden on e-book) but I do still love holding a ‘real’ book in my hand. And so do most young children. A few years ago I wrote a guide on how to choose a good children’s book. I think it’s worth repeating here, but before I do, may I just recommend two of my own children’s books that have been recently published? David and the Hairy Beast and David and the Kingmaker are beautifully illustrated tales which address issues commonly faced by young children, such as their sense of identity and self-worth, facing fears and making friends.

And now, here are those tips for choosing a good children’s book (apart from mine!): Continue reading ‘How to choose a children’s book for Christmas’

David and the Kingmaker rules

It’s here! David and the Kingmaker, the latest book from your charming Crafty host, Fiona Veitch Smith, has arrived from the printers and is ready to ship to bookshops. It looks absolutely gorgeous. As usual, my illustrator Amy Barnes has done an incredible job. I did a reading of the book on Sunday to a lively group of under 7s and their parents. They loved the antics of the sheep and were wide-eyed when Young David was chosen to be king.

I know everyone says it, but this book and its prequel, David and the Hairy Beast, will make great Christmas presents. You can place an order through any bookshop in the world (that’s right, anywhere on planet earth) or, if you want it quicker, you can order directly from the Crafty Publishing website.

If you are in the Newcastle upon Tyne area on Saturday 26 November, Amy and I will be giving a talk about our creative process and how picture books are written and illustrated. Click here for directions and details.

Getting your book to market

I’ve just been featured on Christian Bookshops Blog talking about getting my new book, David and the Hairy Beast, into independent bookshops. If you are thinking of doing the same, drop by and read about my recent experience. For a list of independent bookshops in the UK, visit Local

Five things you need to know about getting your book into indie bookshops:

  1. Your book must have an ISBN number and barcode and be Nielsen registered.
  2. Be prepared to give 35% – 40% wholesale discount off the cover price.
  3. You need to phone first then ask if you can send a sample to them (be prepared to lose this stock if they don’t want to order more).
  4. anna-crosbie-how-to-publish-your-own-book

  5. If they do stock your book they’re not likely to take more than a handful in the first instance.
  6. Terms offered should be 30 days.

For more on publishing your own book and getting it to market, read Anna Crosbie’s How to Publish Your Own Book.

Crafty Publishing

Crafty PublishingThe Crafty Writer is proud to announce the launch of its new publishing wing, Crafty Publishing. Some ‘how to’ books based on the popular Crafty Courses are in the pipeline but for now we’re launching with a stunning children’s picture book called David and the Hairy Beast, the first in a series of six.

David and the Hairy Beast

David and the Hairy BeastDavid’s dad gives him a very important job to do. But can the shepherd boy overcome his fear of the Hairy Beast to save the flock?

Written by Fiona Veitch Smith.
Illustrations by Amy Barnes.

Drop by Crafty Publishing now to order your copy.

The David Project

It’s great to be working on a new project. Illustrator Amy Barnes and I are working on a series of children’s picture books about the life of the biblical King David when he was a boy – the Young David books. So far I’ve written three out of six titles. Check out Amy’s stunning illustrations to get a taste of the project so far. David and the Hairy Beast

If you would like to learn more about how to write picture books, check out my series of articles on writing for children, and specifically the article on writing picture books.