Archive for the 'Writing Opportunities' Category

Calling for guest bloggers

We are looking for ‘how to’ guest posts by published / produced writers in all genre and across all media. If you have something to share with writers lower down the ladder on the business or craft of writing, then this is the place for you. You will be able to reference your own work as an example of what you are discussing, but we do not publish reviews or promos of books / films / plays / poetry collections etc. Please have a look around the site and read some of the previous guest blogs to get an idea of style and content.

If you think you have something to contribute, please contact me to discuss your idea. Please note, if you are a self-published author we would be happy to consider articles on the business of self-publishing but would prefer articles on ‘craft’ to come from writers with mainstream publishing credits. This is not to say that we do not believe self-published writers are by definition inferior in craft but we feel your experience in the business field will be more valuable to our readers!

Showcase your writing with Circalit

I’ve just come across a great new resource for writers called Circalit. You can showcase your novel, short story or screenplay online through one of the many community fora. You can get feedback from other users. In addition, Circalit run periodic competitions with their partners which include book publishers and film producers. Some of these competitions are free. For more information visit

Writing opportunity for teens

Cuckoo Quarterly is a new online literary magazine written and edited by young people aged between 11-19. It aims publish the best new writing by young people and to be accessible and attractive to a wide readership. Cuckoo is based in the Newcastle upon Tyne but wants to hear from young writers all over the world. You can read Edition 1 now:

Submit: There are four editions of Cuckoo a year and they say they are always looking for new writing. Cuckoo accepts most forms, including poetry, short stories and non-fiction writing. They’re keen to publish audio recordings/ podcasts etc. and to hear from young photographers and illustrators. The deadline for submissions to Edition 2 will be 21st December 2011. Email your writing and a two-sentence biography to editors @

Christian writing outlets and courses

CWR inspiring women devotionalMy first devotional series for Inspiring Women Every Day (CWR) is now available to order. In this daily reading booklet, Wendy Bray will take you through Psalm 22 in January and I will be helping you face your fears in February. For the rest of the year a host of women writers will encourage and inspire you. Booklets may be ordered through the CWR website.

A Christian Writing Course

If you would like to try your hand at Christian writing then I have put together a short online course based on a series I presented at my church called Writing as Worship and Witness.

True animal stories contest

Ruby, the rescue dogIn my creative and non-fiction writing classes there are always people who want to write stories about animals. Here’s a contest for you. 

The Angel Animals Network 2010 True Story Contest is now accepting submissions of true stories of animals helping children, parents, and families deal with difficult situations and circumstances. Animals featured can be dogs, cats, horses, gerbils, rabbits, ferrets, or any house pet or animal in nature. They can be family pets or therapy, assistance, or service animals.

The stories can be written by parents or guardians of children or by the children or teens themselves. Stories can also be written by adults who recall a special animal from childhood or teen years who helped them through a tough period.

This contest hopes to find real-life stories that demonstrate animals comforting and helping to heal children during everyday ups and downs or traumatic events such as divorce or other losses. The stories can depict how children and teens de-stress with animals while learning valuable life lessons.  The deadline is 15 September 2010. For more details visit Angel Animals.

Platinum Page is looking for submissions

Platinum Page accepts submissions from writers of all levels of experience.  Editor Vivienne Hall tells me the magazine publishes “well written short stories. No features, no articles, just quality writing.  Poets are also included, and in each edition of Platinum Page there are several poems sprinkled throughout.”  The maximum word count for short stories is 1500 words

“I’m pretty much easy on subjects:  funny, light-hearted, twist-in-the-tale, thought provoking, crime, sci-fi, things along those lines. Nothing dark, heavy of graphically hideous! As for poets, as long as the poem fits on an A4 sheet, it should be fine,” says Vivienne. Unfortunately, they don’t accept writing for children at this time

There is a print and electronic version of the magazine which comes out bi-monthly. It’s published in the UK but accepts submissions from abroad. There is no payment for publication, but if you would like to showcase your writing, this may be an outlet for you.  Good luck!

Travel writing: in-flight magazines

In-flight magazines are a vast market for the travel writer. And now that those planes are finally getting back in the air  it may be time to try pitching something to them. Worldwide Freelance Writer have put together a downloadable pdf of 150 in-flight magazines from around the world. Note, this is not a free resource, but might just be worth the $9 they’re asking.

Writing for greeting cards

We have all looked at cards and thought ‘I could do that!’ It is only when you decide to have a go yourself that you come to appreciate that, somewhere along the line, talent and skill actually come into it and being able to reel out a rhyme just isn’t enough. I’ve just come across a website chock full of advice on how to go about accessing this potentially lucrative market. Visit The Greeting Card Association for more information.

IC Iraq – new lifestyle magazine launches in Baghdad

I am very proud to announce the launch of Iraq’s first English language lifestyle and culture magazine, IC Iraq. When my friend and fellow creative writing MA graduate Zainab Radhi told me she had just been hired to edit this landmark publication, I was thrilled for her. So when she asked me to be her sub-editor, I jumped at the chance – particularly because I could do it remotely from right here in the UK.
Continue reading ‘IC Iraq – new lifestyle magazine launches in Baghdad’

Book Review Carnival

Writers love to read. If you’ve read any good books lately why not submit a review to the Book Review Blog Carnival? You won’t get paid, but it’s an excellent oppportunity to hone your writing skills and check out what everyone else is reading.